

It is a pleasure to serve applicants for 就业 as well as the employees of Hardin-Simmons大学. 我们办公室的存在是为了提供有关人事的服务和协助, 就业, 以及申请人和大学教职员工的福利.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a question or need assistance about anything related to the functions of the 人力资源 Office. 如果你想看到一些添加到我们的网站, 请与我们联系或访问我们在Sandefer纪念馆三楼.

人力资源部主电话 325-670-1259
传真 325-670-5874
*Employment Verifications require a written request to the fax number listed above and will be processed within 2-3 business days.
太拉吉布森 人力资源主任/第九编共同协调员 太拉.Gibson@czjtzjz.com







We are pleased that you are considering 就业 opportunities at Hardin-Simmons大学. The University is always seeking qualified 教职员工 to replace those who might be leaving or to fill a new position on campus. 支持, family-oriented atmosphere at HSU has influenced the lives of our students for generations. Our goal in the employee selection process is to continue hiring Christians who will maintain this interest in our students and uphold our Statement of Purpose (below). 如果你对中国赌博平台公司的工作感兴趣, 请访问左侧的教职员工链接.

Hardin-Simmons大学, a church-related institution affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas: 

  • HSU fosters the intellectual development of students by providing an academically challenging education in selected arts and sciences, 以文科为基础的专业和预专业课程.
  • Academic excellence continues as a priority at Hardin-Simmons大学 as it has for more than a century. The core curriculum involves students in a broad range of inquiry relating general studies with requirements of the chosen major. Small classes taught by experienced scholars give the opportunity for interactive learning. The institution’s commitment to excellence is best illustrated through the lives of graduates who traditionally have excelled in a wide variety of fields.
  • Affirms the relevance and importance of the Christian faith for life in the contemporary world by maintaining a clear identification with and loyalty to the Christian faith and functioning within the context of historic Baptist values and principles.
  • 由一群意志坚定的牧师于1891年创建, 农场主和商人, Hardin-Simmons大学 established dual goals of developing the mind and nurturing the 精神上的 life of its students. 鼓励信仰和知识增长的承诺仍然是核心. 相信学术卓越和基督教信仰是互补的, 大学强调信仰与理性相互作用的必要性.
  • HSU encour年龄s individuals to lead lives of service through active involvement in intellectual, 文化和宗教生活, 无论是在校园里,还是在阿比林更大的社区和世界上.
  • 虽然传统上是西方的, 该大学以其学生的国际化而自豪, 教职员工, 并鼓励国际视野的发展. 通过其在提供智力方面的领导地位, 精神上的, 文化和社会机会, the University serves as a catalyst for the advancement and enrichment of its students and the community.

 遵守联邦法律, including provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 中文博彩平台没有非法的种族歧视, 性, color, 国家或民族出身, 年龄, 残疾, 遗传信息, 或者是服兵役. 根据州和联邦法律, the University may discriminate on the basis of religion in order to fulfill its purpose. 鼓励少数民族和妇女申请.


Applicants for 就业 are required to apply via Cornerstone Applicant Man年龄ment System.


写在另一张纸上, write a paragraph for each competency listed in the job posting describing your background and qualifications in each area. This is your opportunity to demonstrate how your education and/or experience in your current or previous job relates to each function of the position. 面试的决定部分基于这些信息.


应聘中文博彩平台需要简历, 除非另有说明.



  1. 发布在哈佛大学人力资源部的网站上
  2. 贴在人力资源公告栏上了
  3. 经常出现在阿比林记者中文博彩平台和其他出版物上

Interested applicants may also call the 人力资源 Office 325-670-1259 or 325-670-1129 for information concerning vacant positions.


与主管协商后, the department specific to the job you are applying to will arrange the interview for staff 就业. 很遗憾,我们无法面试所有申请人. 因此, it is important that applicants represent themselves well on their applications and 能力. The 能力 are a “paper interview” and are closely reviewed by the selecting supervisors.


HSU没有种族歧视, color, 年龄, 性, 残疾, 遗传信息, 就业机会的民族或民族出身, 符合适用的州和联邦法律. HSU is committed to maintaining a safe and secure campus environment and protecting the university’s financial and physical assets. 因此,哈丁·西蒙斯大学进行背景调查. 取决于位置, applicants may also be required to consent to a credit check as part of the background check process. As a non-profit institution of higher education committed to Christian faith and values, the University exercises its rights under state and federal law to use religion as a factor in making 就业 decisions. 鼓励少数民族和妇女申请.


We frequently use email to contact applicants when we cannot reach them via phone. 如果你有悬而未决的申请, 如果我们正在联系您,请检查您的电子邮件. 如果你正在申请中文博彩平台的职位, 你更改了你的电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 或地址请通过电子邮件通知人力资源办公室 careers@czjtzjz.com.


Applicants not selected for 就业 will receive a email from the 人力资源 Office.


调查 concerning the status of applications or possible interviews 必须 be directed to the 人力资源 Office. 请不要打电话或发电子邮件的教师或工作人员办公室的信息.


Unsolicited applications are accepted and they may be reviewed against vacant positions. 然而, the best procedure to follow is to obtain a copy of the Job Announcement and comply with the instructions above.

遵守联邦法律, including provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 中文博彩平台没有非法的种族歧视, 性, color, 国家或民族出身, 年龄, 残疾, 遗传信息, 或者是服兵役. 根据州和联邦法律, the University may discriminate on the basis of religion in order to fulfill its purpose. 鼓励少数民族和妇女申请.


HSU志愿者,HSU员工,HSU营地的工作人员 & 涉及未成年人(18岁以下)的会议 必须 完成儿童保护培训.

完成 在MinistryGrid上进行儿童保护培训.

遵循这些 儿童保护训练指引.

HSU Camp Directors and/or HSU Volunteer Program Directors are responsible for maintaining a copy of the training for all volunteers or camp employees.

另外,还有一份拷贝 必须 be sent to HSU HR/Payroll to be put in your file to verify you have completed the training prior to start date.

这项培训必须每两年完成一次, 除非你在有年度要求的过夜营地工作.